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SELS 2020

Virtual SELS is a two-week experience with the first week dedicated to training on advocacy and key issues (schedule below). The second week will be a series of scheduled meetings with members of Congress and their staff (schedule TBD and varied by state).


Week One Schedule, July 13-17

Washington Update – A Live Townhall Event

This exciting event kicks off our Virtual SELS experience and provides a program overview of the week and your first set of tools when it comes to being an advocate.

Download all the SELS Issue Briefs

Download Monday’s presentation

Is it All About the Money? Federal Funding of Special Education

In this overview of funding, you’ll learn not just how federal funding for special education works but also what are our “asks” in this area and what we may be expecting in this year’s appropriations.

Download the Appropriations Issue Brief

Download Tuesday’s presentation and watch the recording.

Contact Your Elected Officials About Funding

Stemming the Tide: Addressing the Educator Shortages in Special Education

Experts on this topic will share current information about educator shortage and the current status of the Higher Education Act, as well as what we will be asking for in this area during Virtual SELS.

Download the Educator Shortage Issue Brief

Download Wednesday’s presentation and watch the recording.

See the federal data on teacher shortages.

Contact Your Elected Officials About Educator Shortage

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in Our Schools

This session will provide an overview of not only the state of the mental health crisis, but also a glimpse into what educators may be facing as programs and schools reopen this fall. We will also cover what to ask for when meeting with your Congressional office.

Download the Mental Health Issue Brief

Download Thursday’s presentation and watch the recording.

Contact Your Elected Officials About Mental Health in Schools

Special Education and the Pandemic

Speakers will address the current status of issues and funding related to COVID-19 and prepare you to address this topic during your virtual office visit.

Download the COVID-19 Issue Brief

Download Friday’s presentation and watch the recording.

Watch the “How Can We Safely Reopen Schools?” webinar, co-sponsored by CASE

Contact Your Elected Officials About Emergency Funding

Week Two Schedule, July 20-24

Week two will be dedicated to participants activating their advocacy skills to communicate with Members of Congress about our key issues through the means that suits each state’s delegation, i.e. through holding meetings with Members of Congress (either virtually, with their team in Washington, DC or by having a team of people visit their offices at home) and more. We will have ample social media cued up and coordinate a hashtag to amplify our message through social media both during the week and on an ongoing basis to carry our message forward.

Council of Administrators of Special Education

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